The Friday Five 11.8.19 – Thank you Veterans!

What happens if I’m hurt as a passenger but my friend caused the accident?

Accidents happen every day, for a number of reasons. And while many of the clients we help were injured because the other driver caused the accident, there are some instances where the passengers were injured in an accident caused by a friend or family member who was driving. A big myth is that getting an attorney’s help means that you are suing your loved one. That’s not the case. If the insurance company is giving you a hard time about paying for your medical bills, an attorney’s job is to get the insurance adjuster to pay up – NOT cause a nightmare for the driver. An accident is just that – an accident – but that doesn’t mean you should suffer just because the insurance company is giving you the run around.

Thank Veterans all year long with these tips of gratitude

Bethany’s school just did a great job of paying tribute to all of our local Veterans and active military this week in honor of Veteran’s Day this Monday and it was great to see everyone come together.In that spirit, we wanted to share this list of 25 ways to honor Veterans all year long is great and a perfect reminder of all of the little things we each can do. Thank you all for your service!

“Mindful” eating and slowing down at meals can help productivity (and your waistline!)

We’ve all heard the idea that it takes a bit for your stomach to realize you’re full, so eating slower can help you consume less. But this article on the benefits of mindful eating suggest that really paying attention to the act of eating, savoring the flavors, and just slowing down in general at mealtime can also help you be more productive. By making the comparison to distracted driving, the author also shows how your health can benefit from not eating while driving, watching TV, or while multitasking at your computer.

Google Doc add-ons that will make work life amazing

Anyone who uses Google Drive and Google Docs understands how much it can help productivity and organization. But what many people may not know are the tricks and tips within Google Docs AddOns that aren’t as common, like VoiceTyping to dictate and transcribe what you don’t feel like typing, Lucidchart Diagrams for making info visually appealing, and DocSecrets to encrypt info in a document so that others see only what you want them to. This article highlights 33 of the best AddOns out there and how to install them. Check it out! 

Plan your Black Friday shopping early with hacks AND by peeking at ads before they hit your local newspaper

In addition to the great food and precious time spent with family, Thanksgiving also means great sales for Black Friday. Instead of waiting for the ads to come out in the newspaper, check out this website that gives readers an advanced look at the best deals by sharing pdf versions of the ads, weeks before they go to print. Once you figure out what deals you want to take advantage of, use this helpful list of hacks to make the most of your Black Friday shopping; it includes tips like signing up for alerts from your favorite stores, using discounted gift cards to pay for purchases, printing out coupons ahead of time, downloading store apps for extra savings, and starting at stores that participate in your credit card’s rewards programs to maximize savings.  

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