Motorcycle safety for everyone on the road, best outdoor games, & inspiration during COVID

Motorcycle safety important for riders AND drivers

Motorcyclists are itching to get on the roads, especially since Texas officials have allowed the state to open back up and the weather is perfect for riding. We urge both riders and drivers to pay close attention to prevent serious accidents from happening. Wear your helmets and make sure to check out these safety tips for riders from the National Safety Council:

·         New riders should take a motorcycle safety course, and experienced riders should take refresher courses after being off their bikes for a while

·         Know the rules of the road

·         Be aware that riding with a passenger requires considerably more skill

·         Never drink and ride

·         Drive defensively, especially at intersections, where half of all collisions occur

·         Watch for hazards like potholes, manhole covers, oil slicks, puddles, debris, railroad tracks and gravel

·         Assume you are invisible to other motorists and position yourself to be seen

·         Use headlights day and night

·         Be courteous; don’t weave in and out of lanes, or ride on the shoulder or between lanes

For drivers:

·         Always be on the lookout for motorcycles since they are relatively small it’s easy for drivers not to see them

·         Anticipate motorcycles’ movements

·         Be diligent about checking your blind spot

·         Never drive distracted

It is obvious how devastating motorcycle accidents can be. Protect yourself and those you share the road with. For more information on steps to take if you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident, be sure to contact us immediately to protect your health and your legal rights.

Great outdoor games to play with the whole family in the yard

Social distancing doesn’t mean you can’t still have fun outside. If you’re looking for something different than neighborhood walks or playing catch, check out this article on 15 great yard games for the whole family. Oversized Jenga, Bean Bag Toss, and Horseshoes are all fun, easy to master, and weather resistant. Plus, the added bonus of healthy competition lets you step it up a notch! Sibling rivalries, beware!

Inspiring words of wisdom provide solace during COVID-19

We need uplifting quotes more than ever right now. This list of 50 inspirational quotes from authors, activists, and artists to help you get through tough times is perfect and can provide much-needed calm and stress relief. One of our favorites is by Henry Ford:

“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.”

Stay strong and stay healthy, friends!

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