3rd shifters’ high risk of injury + how to journal & how to protect $ during COVID

Third shift workers more at risk for injuries on the job, studies show

No matter how diligent you are on the job, there is no way to completely control the co-workers around you. And third shift workers are the most prone to accidents, since overnight shifts often result in employees getting less sleep than their bodies need, affecting concentration and response times. According to hg.org:


“Working the night shift may lead to workplace incidences that cause injuries to night shift workers. This may be due to lack of sleep, fatigue or lack of supervision. Studies have shown that some workers may be two or three times at higher risk to obtain long-term harm while working with little or no supervision at night. Often, these injuries may last for over 30 days. Such workplace accidents may occur when workers fail to follow regulations or take unnecessary risks.”

That is why it is extremely important to consult with an attorney experienced with work injuries if you are ever hurt on the job, so that you can best preserve your legal rights. An attorney will help you prove what really happened and identify steps that could have been taken to prevent the injury in the first place, ultimately helping your claim.

10 ways to protect your finances during the COVID-19 pandemic

It’s a scary time right now, especially since the economy is so uncertain. If you are like most Americans worrying about money during the COVID-19 pandemic, this article on how to protect your finances can help ease stress and make sure that you are eliminating as much risk as possible. Suggestions like creating a budget, filing your taxes now even though the deadline has been extended to July, getting your credit reports, and having open discussions about money with your family will all help you make sure that you keep as much money as possible but better yet, prevent you from wasting more.

Why keeping a journal right now is so important and 50 ways to do it

The modern world has never experienced anything like COVID-19 and it’s safe to assume the stories that result will be important for generations to come, especially for our children. One of the best ways for us all to remember this crazy new life is to keep a journal. Even better, having kids write one will not only preserve their innocent perspective, but it is bound to be entertaining. This article on 50 journal prompts for kids encourages children to ask themselves questions like:

“What character from a book would you like to meet?” and

“Would you ever try eating a bug?” and

“If you could be famous, would you be a famous singer, actor, chef, writer, or something else?”

Even though on the surface these questions do not directly address COVID, chance are their opinions on being stuck at home will shine through. It will be really fun to read these answers years down the road and will be extremely beneficial for your kids’ grandkids in the future.

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