The Friday Five 6.28.19

Why it’s important to follow your doctor’s orders if they tell you to get surgery after an accident

It can be tough to decide whether or not to go ahead and get surgery after an accident. Many of our clients worry about the down time, not being able to work, the physical therapy they’ll need after the operation, and the fear that the surgery will not eliminate their pain. My job as an attorney is to counsel you on the best decision related to your case. If a doctor tells you that you need surgery, it’s because he wants you to feel better. From a legal standpoint, we want you to follow the doctor’s orders and we can see how not having the surgery now can cause problems down the road. Your medical issue will only get worse – surgery is inevitable. Not doing it now means:

– You could still be in pain for a long time

– If you want until after the Statute of Limitations, you will have to pay for the surgery yourself since the at-fault party’s insurance company will not cover it after the time limit

– Your settlement amount will be lower

– You won’t be able to collect compensation for the time you’ll have to be off of work

– You will be responsible for paying for physical therapy, prescriptions, and any other treatment

Three ways to beat procrastination

We love this article on ways to beat procrastination because, let’s face it: we are all guilty of putting things off until the last minute! Their tips of being accountable if you find yourself procrastinating, designating a set amount of time to work, and learning to embrace deadlines are all great for helping you get your mind in the right place to do things as they are assigned and not moments before they are due.

Insurance company trick of the week: Offering you a quick settlement to “help you out” since money is tight due to your inability to work.

If you can’t make it to your job because of your injuries, the adjuster might use that as a trick to get you to accept a few thousand dollars to help you out and make ends meet. In reality, you are probably facing quite a few medical bills and the moment you accept a settlement, you are waiving your right to getting those bills paid in the future, all for the sake of a quick buck.

10 Tips for a Safe 4th of July plus the best ways to avoid fireworks injuries

Aside from the obvious tip to not drink and drive, here is a great article on how to keep your family safe over 4th of July. Earplugs, sunscreen, and sparkler safety are all super important, but it’s especially important to remember how dangerous fireworks can be when not used properly. This article by the CDC discusses fireworks safety and provides great tips on the best way to enjoy the holiday without risking your limbs or your life. Happy 4th, everyone!

Foods that have more Vitamin D than a glass of milk, plus how to get all your vitamins in every meal

Getting out in the sun is a fantastic way to get some Vitamin D, but if you are trying to get more in the foods you eat, too, check out this list of foods that have more Vitamin D than a glass of milk. A great mood booster, Vitamin D is an important part of everyone’s diet, but also remember to include all vitamins in your diet, too. This easy list from Harvard teaches you low-calorie food to eat that can provide all of the vitamins and minerals you need without having to take a daily supplement. Enjoy!

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