The Friday Five 5.17.19

Understanding dog bite laws are important as kids finish school

Summertime is here which means two things: 1. School is out, so kids are going to be home more, and 2. The heat makes dogs even crankier. We hope it never happens, but summertime is prime time for dog bites, which is why we want for you to be aware of how to handle the situation if it arises. In order to successfully bring a claim after a dog bite, a victim must get past Texas’ One Bite law by proving that the dog’s owner had prior knowledge that the dog had bitten someone else or had acted aggressively before your attack OR that the dog owner was negligent in controlling the dog or preventing the bite from happening and that negligence resulting in the injuries. While it is not easy to prove, it is not entirely impossible with the right legal help. Enlisting an attorney who has extensive experience in personal injury and dog bites is one of the easiest ways to get past the burden of proof.

How to be more engaging, even when you’re shy

It can be tough to meet new people, especially when you tend to be more introverted. This article on how to be more engaging gives great advice for those who don’t want to be rude, but who also aren’t usually sure what to say when in social situations. Tips, like mirroring the person you’re interacting with and showing up as your authentic self, will help put you at ease and give you the confidence to have a great conversation.

Insurance company trick of the week: Questioning the severity of your injuries

The adjuster will use every excuse to make it seem like your injuries aren’t that bad. They may try to downplay the property damage, question how you determine your pain levels, explain that they see a lot of accidents and that the pain shouldn’t really be as bad as you think it feels, or perhaps even outright accuse you of not telling the truth. You know your body better than anyone. If you are in pain, it is OK to say you are in pain, and two of the best ways to back that up are to make sure your doctor is aware of your pain and to regularly journal how you feel

Kitchen hacks that save you time – and make your food taste better!

Who knew that putting a half-full glass of water in the microwave while you’re also warming up a piece of pizza would make it taste like it was just delivered?! Or that frozen grapes can keep wine cold without the watered-down effect of ice? These 33 kitchen hacks are not only brilliant, but they may also help you avoid throwing away so many leftovers. Enjoy!

Congratulations, Bethany, on your Kindergarten Graduation!

We are so proud of our youngest daughter, Bethany! She graduated from kindergarten yesterday and she was so excited! With a new pedicure on her toes to mark the occasion, she accepted her certificate with so much pride. First grade watch out! Our baby is on her way! We’d also like to thank all of our family and friends who came out to cheer her on – it was so awesome of you to be there for her special day!

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