Refinery Injuries and Workers Comp Claims

There are various work type injuries you could sustain as an employee, such as explosion and refinery injuries or any other industrial injuries.

When you are injured at work, building a case against your employer may be slightly complicated.

In the 80’s, workers’ compensation was much more straightforward because injured workers had a fair chance of getting the deserved compensation in case of injury.

These laws were, however, were changed in favor of employers.

Watch the video below to see Attorney McClure discuss refinery injuries:

You May Be Denied Your Worker’s Comp

As much as most warehouses, refineries and other industrial-type complexes have workers’ comp which comes with perks like a lifetime of medical benefits, one of the cons of it is that sometimes when the worker gets injured, the company will argue that they got injured doing something else outside the workplace.

When the worker then has to be out of work because of the injury, they are only paid a percentage of the average weekly wage, which is unfair to them.
Workers’ comp involving a third party

If you work for one company, and your work involves interacting with other companies, you may get injured due to negligence by the other company’s employee.

In this case, you would claim worker’s compensation from your employer and also against the other company whose employee caused the accident, whether due to negligence or old or faulty machinery.

We understand that it may be a difficult situation for you.

A situation involving workers comp is primarily difficult because these companies are profit rather than people oriented.

Therefore, we would like you to call us at 713-904-1765 when you have any questions about workers’ compensation involving a third party and refinery injuries.

We will represent you in a personal injury type of case in that situation.

If you are injured, and it is just your employer’s company involved, also don’t hesitate to call us as we will refer you to an attorney who can work your case.

Related Pages:

What should I do if I am involved in a refinery accident?

Refinery Injuries: Why They Happen

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