
Best Spring Break Ideas for Kids, Secret to Small Business Success, & “Is the Adjuster Allowed To…?”

Is the adjuster allowed to ask for info that has nothing to do with my car accident claim?

One of the reasons that we help so many of those who do not speak English as their native language is because we have seen good, hardworking people be taken advantage of too many times. Under Texas law, you have the right to refuse to provide information that does not relate to your claim. It is not uncommon for insurance adjusters to refuse to pay claims until they receive information like proof of U.S. citizenship, who is living in your household, or medical history that has nothing to do with the accident like how many pregnancies you have had. They are trained to use any tactic necessary to get you to agree to the smallest settlement possible and without an attorney on your side protecting your legal rights, it’s easy to be tricked. If the information the adjuster is asking for doesn’t seem right, it probably isn’t. Call us and we can level the playing field.

Secret ingredient for small business success: confidence!

We are proud to have so many entrepreneurial friends and family members who have small businesses or hobbies that have turned into regular side projects, which is why we found this article so interesting. It discusses how a recent study shows that one of the best ingredients for a successful small business isn’t start-up funding or a perfect business plan – it’s confidence. It can be easy to compare ourselves to others and to rate ourselves below average on difficult tasks, which can affect decision making, risk taking, and increase our chances of giving up. The article suggests using benchmarks to make small successes easier to see, which can in turn boost confidence and increase persistence. Are you a small business owner in need a pep talk? As a business owner, I have been there and would be happy to help you see just how great you are actually doing, despite your internal doubts.

Great Spring Break ideas for the whole family to enjoy – without getting on an airplane!

Just because you don’t have a destination in mind for a Spring Break getaway doesn’t mean your family needs to be bored. Use the time to have a “staycation” by having a vacation right in your hometown. This article on 13 fun spring break staycation ideas not only highlights family-fun options, but they also won’t break the bank! Book a hotel in your own city to get away for the night, take yourself on a culinary tour by selecting a recipe you’ve never tried and making an experience out of shopping for ingredients, visit a local state or national park, or go on a museum tour. The whole family will enjoy it and you won’t have to worry about long airport security lines or heavy traffic!



Six mindfulness activities to do as a family

Being mindful is a trait that is becoming more and more popular as a way to reduce stress, increase productivity, and improve empathy. There are tips, tricks, and apps to help us be mindful individually, but we found this article on six mindfulness activities you can do as a family to also be great for family bonding. Suggestions like taking a silent walk to listen to the leaves rustle and really tasting what you are eating by silently enjoying the first few bites can be done right in your own neighborhood or at your own dinner table. Sitting together for a formal meditation using breathing techniques or a silent “love squeeze” while holding hands can provide a welcome peace to the household, as can using the free Stop, Breathe, and Think kids app which encourages children to pay attention to their behavior.

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