The Friday Five 6.7.19

As summer drinks flow, it’s important to understand Dram Shop Liability

Many times, the drunk driver’s insurance policy is not nearly enough to cover the expense and devastation of an alcoholic-related accident. That is why it is important to find out additional information on the accident, including:
• Where the person became intoxicate
• Who else may be responsible for the accident
• Other insurance coverages that may be available
The reason for this is that Texas law allows for the bartender or establishment that served the alcohol to the intoxicated driver to hold some of the responsibility for the wreck if any of the following are true:
• Too much alcohol was served to the driver
• It was known that the driver was already intoxicated when they were served
• The driver was underage when they were served
Pursuing a legal claim against the establishment is called Dram Shop Liability and, if proven, can hold the company financially responsible for the injuries or death.

Teach your kids about entrepreneurship with Gary Vaynerchuk’s new series, “Lil’ Vee”

We have been following Gary Vee for a while now; we love his advice on business. He just launched a YouTube channel for kids to teach them about business, kindness, and empathy, and we can’t wait to see what Bethany and other kids in our circle think about it. Please share it with your kids and comment on our Facebook page to let us know what their reactions are!

Insurance company trick of the week: Making you sign a medical authorization to release medical records not related to the accident

The adjuster will make it sound like signing their authorization is just a simple, routine step to getting your bills paid by saying something like, “My company just needs permission to get the medical records and bills associated with the accident so we can submit them for settlement, so just give it a quick signature and send it right back.” In reality, the company will most likely comb through all of your records, searching for things to undermine your credibility (drugs or alcohol use) or to find other explanations for your injuries (previous surgeries, preexisting conditions, or past injuries). Don’t open yourself up to those vulnerabilities; consult with a lawyer before signing anything.

Guide to spices by type of cuisine

Have you ever had a certain type of food and want to replicate it at home, you’re just not sure of the spices used to make it so delicious? This extremely informative article helps you learn all about different spices and provides a handy guide on spices commonly used in certain types of cuisine. For example, in the Mexican cuisine we all love to enjoy in our family, a lot of cumin, coriander, oregano, garlic powder, cinnamon, and chili powder is used. So if you want to try your hand at Mexican dishes, those are great spices to have at home!

Find out the best (and worst!) day to buy gas in your state. Hint: In Texas, it’s not right before the weekend!

GasBuddy shared with USA Today the prime days to fill up your tank based on where you live, so make sure you plan ahead with this helpful article before this summer’s road trips. Also check out the GasBuddy app to find the cheapest gas prices, no matter where you are.

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