The Friday Five 12.28.18

Quote I am pondering

“As long as you are alive, you will either live to accomplish your own goals and dreams or be used as a resource to accomplish someone else’s.”   – Grant Cardone from his book, The 10 X Rule
This is a great reminder to grab your life by the horns in 2019 and take charge of what you want for you and your family!

Witness statements can save a case

When an accident occurs at an intersection and it is one driver’s word against the other’s, it is not uncommon for a police officer to not issue a ticket to anyone at all. Insurance companies will fight tooth and nail to prove their driver wasn’t at fault when no citations were issued. But witnesses can make all the difference if they willing to state what happened, which can help you prove that the accident was not your fault. Be kind to the people who stop to help, ask them what they saw, and if they’d be willing to write it down or send it to you in a text. Make sure to also get their full name and contact information so that the insurance company can reach out to them if necessary.

Best free places to visit with kids

Looking for things to do over Christmas break without breaking the bank? Did you know that there is a long list of Houston museums that offer free admission on Thursdays? Or that you can check out the Houston Zoo on the first Tuesday of every month (September through May) at no charge? Check out this list of other fun, cheap things to do around the city while the kids are on vacation.

Cleaning is no fun, but here are ways to make it easier

If the Christmas rush left your house upside down, you are not alone. Starting the new year with a fresh, floor-to-ceiling scrub down feels great and we found the perfect article to help you quickly and effectively clean the places we easily forget – like the garbage disposal, dishwasher, oven, and microwave. Check it out!

Seven questions to help you figure out what you want in 2019

Usually, the New Year is reserved for resolutions on things like weight loss and productivity. A simpler, easier “resolution” is to ask yourself:
“What is my purpose?”
Then ask:
“How do I live it?”
Figuring out how to live your life to fulfill that passion and purpose can have a huge impact on your well-being. This article, Seven Strange Questions That Help You Find Your Life Purpose, is a neat way to start the conversation.

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