The Thursday Three 2.13.2020

How do I find the right medical care after a car accident?

Even accidents that don’t cause a lot of property damage have the potential to cause serious injuries and it can be difficult to find the right doctor, especially if you don’t have a family physician. The first thing to remember is that you should always seek treatment immediately after the accident, whether it’s at an emergency room or an urgent care center, if appropriate. Second, make sure to get instructions on follow-up treatment, which typically includes chiropractic visits, physical therapy, or an MRI. If the emergency care professionals did not give you specific referrals to another doctor or if you want a second option, we have a number of physicians who have helped our clients in the past and who are experienced in treating the types of injuries that are common after an accident.  

20 small changes to make your home life simpler

When we come home at the end of the day, we want to let go of stress, not add to it, which means that the simpler things are in our abode, the calmer we will feel. This article on 20 small changes to make in your home to bring on simplicity may seem trivial, but the little things can have a big impact over time. For example, clearing your dining room table of the piles of paperwork, mail, keys, and backpacks so that everything is put away properly can have an instant effect when you walk in and see a normally chaotic space clean for a change. Practicing gratitude in your home every day can have a huge impact on the vibe of the entire household. Making space for your car in the garage can force you to declutter, but also give you a sense of satisfaction when you arrive home each day. Invite the right people to gather at your dining room table and do it often so you are surrounded by the love and support that your family needs.  

Loneliness can happen even in a room full of people – here’s how to cope

Sometimes there is not a clear explanation for why we are feeling lonely. It can strike after miscommunication with a spouse, a stressful time at work, or even when you’ve spent an unusually long time in front of a screen. It’s important to remember that many people also feel this way and that there are ways to fix the feelings. If you’re not sure if it’s loneliness or not, taking this helpful quiz can help you identify your feelings. This article on overcoming loneliness encourages people to make a list of everybody “on your team” for an instant boost. Remembering who is in your corner can help remind you that there are people who love and care about you. The article also encourages nourishing connections and to play your strengths – two things that can improve confidence and existing relationships.  

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