car accidents

4 Consequences of Distracted Driving, Woman speaking on phone while driving

4 Consequences of Distracted Driving in Texas

What do you think distracted driving is? If you think that it refers to when someone is driving and is texting or talking on the phone, or even changing their music playlist; then you are exactly right. Distracted driving, when simply put, refers to any action that drivers perform that is unrelated to their duties […]

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9 Surprising Things You Can Do To Protect Yourself after a Car Accident

9 Surprising Things You Can Do to Protect Yourself after a Car Accident

Across the state of Texas, one person is injured in a car crash every two minutes and seventeen seconds. Large portions of these accidents occur in major cities just like Houston. Houston, in particular, sees a substantial portion of those accidents due to a lack of effective public transportation infrastructure and aging highway infrastructure. Particularly

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