The Friday Five 8.30.19

Ingredient substitutions that can save you a trip to the grocery store

We’ve all been there. It’s late at night, you’re baking a treat that’s needed at your kid’s school the next day, and you realize you ran out of a key ingredient. You can’t go to the store, but you can’t abandon your project, either. That’s where this kitchen ingredient substitution infographic comes in handy. It features easy and practical swaps for things like eggs, buttermilk, baking powder – even sugar! Hopefully it saves you the headache of a late-night grocery store run and a sleepless school night!

How to raise your kids to be resilient

We all want our children to grow up being able to bounce back from bad things happening. But how do we prepare them now and what types of lessons should we be teaching them? This article on how to raise resilient kids is brilliant. We loved this quote from the article, “We don’t rejoice in easy victories. If you recover from failure, you learn something about yourself. You are tougher than you thought. That’s how confidence is built.” The piece also encourages parents to share their own screw-ups to give kids a real-life example of how everything is still OK after a problem and to have frequent conversations about how peoples’ lives on social media don’t often highlight the struggles and “real” things they may be going through.

In a motorcycle accident, never remove a rider’s helmet and only perform CPR if you’re trained

Even if the motorcyclist is coherent and asks for help removing his helmet, it must stay on. Even paramedics will leave the helmet on until they can get the rider to a trauma unit, since there could be extremely dangerous injuries or brain damage that must be assessed before figuring out the best way to remove the helmet. Likewise, you should only perform CPR or First Aid if you are trained. You can accidentally do more damage to an injured rider if you don’t know what you are doing, so don’t assume that watching someone perform CPR on TV multiple times counts as knowing how to do it yourself.

Seven phrases every host should use to make guests feel welcome

We spend majority of our free time with our friends and family. So, when we came across this article on phrases to make guests feel more welcome when you are entertaining, it made us think about how our loved ones always open their homes to us and make us feel special. Whenever we visit our friends and family, we hear the same phrases featured in the piece:

“I’m so glad you’re here.”

“Please help yourself.”

“Just bring yourselves.”

Try it – it’s guaranteed to make guests of your next gathering feel like the party was thrown just for them!

Emergency savings can mean the difference between getting back on your feet and tragedy

After a serious injury, life can be completely derailed. Even when you find a good attorney to get the insurance company to cooperate and pay compensation, claims take time. If you can’t work because of the injuries, the lack of a paycheck can wreak havoc on a family. That’s why we wanted to share with our readers this article on the importance of having emergency savings. The goal is to always have enough money put away to pay for three to six months of expenses, but even if that is not something you can do now, there are still other important things to consider, including always having a savings goal and to make sure that the money is easy to get to without having to pay fees. Remember, emergency savings is for a true emergency, not to borrow against for a vacation or new toy.

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