The Friday Five 3.1.19

50 Ways to Kick Butt at Being a Parent

While we all do our best to give our kids the love and guidance they need, this list of 50 Easy Ways to Be a Fantastic Parent gave us some fun ideas on how to take parenting up a notch. We especially appreciated examples like:

– Being specific when giving praise (instead of saying, “You’re great”, be specific with, “I appreciate your patience while you waited for me to finish my phone call. That was awesome.”)

– Teaching your shy kid the bravery trick of noticing the color of a person’s eyes to ease the fear of making eye contact

– Set up a gratitude circle every night at dinner and have everyone go around and talk about a person in their lives who was generous and kind that day.

Never settle your auto claim if you still need more medical treatment

It can be tempting to accept the settlement initial offer made by the insurance company, especially if you are unable to work and are short on cash because of the accident. But agreeing to what may seem like a reasonable amount now, before you have had the chance to understand what medical treatment you will continue to need for your injuries, will spell out nothing but problems later on down the road. For example, accepting a settlement halfway through physical therapy will close the case for good – not only stopping payment on the remaining visits, but also barring you from getting an MRI or surgery paid for if it’s discovered that physical therapy wasn’t treatment enough. The best rule of thumb is to always run a settlement offer by an attorney before signing anything. I’m always happy to look at paperwork – for free – and give you advice on if you should accept the offer or wait it out.

Goal setting apps for kids help them see benefits of chores, saving money

As we’ve discussed in other Friday Five videos, we love to see kids set goals and go after them – even little kids. We recently came across these neat apps for kids that help them track those goals in a fun and interactive way. They can be downloaded on your phone or your child’s tablet and they help your child monitor the habits they develop, the money they save, or even the chores they are required to do around the house. For the older kids, this list of apps also is a lifesaver for teaching them how to balance sports and school, set goals that can sync with the family calendar, and even help communication between parents and teachers with the student’s help.

3 non-toxic solutions to get rid of ants

As the weather gets warmer and warmer, ants and other bugs get bolder and bolder. Check out this list of 13 natural solutions for getting rid of ants that are safe for kids and pets in your house. Most of the options are easy and inexpensive and you may even have many of the ingredients already at home!

Save money and whiten your teeth naturally

If your high schoolers are asking for expensive treatments to whiten their teeth before Prom, share with them this list of ways to make their smile brighter without breaking the bank. Each of the tips cost less than $5 and over a small amount of time can make a big difference in shade of your smile.

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