What to Do when Diagnosed with Asbestos Exposure in the Workplace

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) estimates that over 1.3 million refinery workers in the U.S.A. suffer from asbestos-related diseases. Are you an employee recently diagnosed with asbestos exposure in the workplace? If so, then you can use this guide to help you learn how to deal with a refinery injury.

Who can be diagnosed with Asbestos Exposure in the Workplace?
Typically, refinery injury occurs among manual laborers. Below are some of the manufacturing and industrial occupations that put you at most risk of developing conditions related to exposure to asbestos:

• Mining
• Military jobs such as shipbuilding
• Installation and plumbing
• Jobs at chemical and industrial plants
• Construction jobs
• Auto mechanics

These are just a few occupations that put you at risk of contracting asbestos diseases. If you are not sure whether your job puts you at risk of asbestos-related diseases, consult your doctor and go over your work history to see if your current job is the one affecting your health.

Diagnosis of Asbestos Exposure
You can be diagnosed with prolonged and harmful exposure to asbestos if you present symptoms related to mesothelioma, lung cancer, asbestosis (lung inflammation) and calcification of the chest cavity. These conditions are the result of either inhaling or ingesting asbestos fibers.

Legal Steps to take in Refinery Injury Cases
It is not easy to live with the results of exposure to asbestos. At the very least, you are in pain and less able to earn your living. At worst, the diagnose could cost you thousands in medical expenses and strained relationships. Should you ever receive an exposure diagnosis, here are a few steps you can take in the civil justice system.

a) Get an Asbestos Exposure Attorney
It is possible to file a legal claim for exposure to asbestos on your own. However, the procedure is less complicated and less time-consuming if you hire an asbestos exposure attorney. These attorneys will help you understand, recognize your asbestos exposure, and investigate it if you are not sure when it started occurring.

Attorneys in such cases are also assets because they help you save time. After an asbestos exposure attorney looks over your case, he can determine whether you have the grounds to file a claim to avoid unnecessary waste of time and expenses. Grounds for successful claims usually include:

• Pain and suffering
• Loss of bodily function
• Loss of earnings
• Damage to your relationship with a spouse (loss of consortium)

Once you have a lawyer, you can move on to the second step.

b) File for Compensation
With a diagnosis, relevant paperwork and a lawyer, you can pursue litigation for asbestos exposure compensation. However, depending on your situation, consider the following alternative courses of action:

• Seek compensation from a trust fund established by your former employer or the asbestos manufacturer if they are out of business
• Ask for your veterans’ benefits
• File a workers’ compensation claim with your employer

The compensation you receive will vary depending on your condition and its impact on your life. It may not help you get better, but it will help you and your family cater for the medical expenses associated with prolonged contact with asbestos.

Be prepared to take legal action when diagnosed with asbestos exposure. This is a difficult time for you and your loved ones, reason why it is essential to seek all kinds of help to make sure that you will obtain the compensation you deserve. Look for an asbestos exposure attorney that will help you in every step during this tough time.

Were you injured in a refinery accident? Click here to find more information about what you should do and how to get help from an attorney today!

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