St. Patrick’s Day recognizes the death of Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. However, the holiday isn’t celebrated in Ireland alone. Every year, 130 million Americans dress up in green and join the party. This week, we have some great resources to help you brush up on your St. Patrick’s Day knowledge so you can have something more interesting to say than, “Kiss me, I’m Irish.”

The Real History Of St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day celebrates Ireland’s patron saint, but you might be surprised to learn Patrick wasn’t born on the Emerald Isle. And the story about him banishing all the snakes from Ireland? That’s also a misconception. There’s a lot about St. Patrick’s Day we tend to get wrong, and that’s a shame, because the truth about the man and the holiday is even cooler than the legends. Before you break out your green jacket, read up on this one-of-a-kind holiday.

Myth Of The Leprechaun

One of the most enduring symbols of St. Patrick’s Day and Irish folklore is the leprechaun. These small, gold-loving impish creatures are recognized around the world, but did you know the green-clad fellow you might be familiar with isn’t the original version of leprechauns? In traditional Irish legends, leprechauns wore red! If this surprises you, why not learn more about the legends surrounding the iconic sprite?

15 Irish Inventions That Changed The World

In addition to St. Patrick’s Day, there’s another Irish holiday in March: Irish-American Heritage Month. First celebrated in 1991, Irish-American Heritage Month commemorates the contributions of the proud traditions of Ireland and the Irish individuals who came to call the United States home. This month, join the celebration by taking a look at the many incredible inventions Ireland has given the world.

Just For Fun: Top Cities To Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day

Obviously, if you want to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in style, Ireland is the place to be. Unfortunately, most of us can’t make a trip to the Emerald Isle for March 17th. Never fear! There are several great St. Patrick’s Day celebrations right here in the United States! (It might be too late to travel this year, but it’s the perfect time to start planning next year’s celebration!)


Happy St. Patrick’s Day!


Don E. McClure, Jr., PLLC

Attorney at Law

(713) 571-7777 phone

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