2 Months Down, 10 To Go: Revamp Your New Year’s Resolution

How’s your New Year’s resolution going?

Be honest, did you have to stop and think about what your New Year’s resolution was? If so, that’s okay! U.S. News found that 80% of New Year’s resolutions “fail” by the second week of February. By now, 2 months have passed since January 1st, and a lot of resolutions are long gone.

But we still have 10 months left in the year! Why are we so quick to call ourselves failures when there’s still time to realize those goals? Before you give up, check out these resources to reignite your motivation.

Salvage Your Broken New Year’s Resolutions

Even if you haven’t thought about your New Year’s resolution since January 2nd, don’t call it quits yet. You don’t have to keep a resolution every day for it to be successful. Now is the time to rethink your resolutions. Look at where you want to be, what’s holding you back, and what you can do to stay on track. Here are 4 steps to help you accomplish just that.

7 Secrets Of People Who Keep Their New Year’s Resolutions

The best advice can come from those who have been in your shoes. Achieving resolutions and maintaining lasting habits isn’t easy. If it were, more than 92% of resolutions wouldn’t fail every year. Make your resolution one of the elusive 8% with this great advice from the experts.

16 Ways To Get Motivated When You’re In A Slump

It’s not just New Year’s resolutions that lose steam. Sometimes, we fall into a slump and lose the motivation to accomplish anything. Maybe we’re burned out or bored. Whatever the reason, being in a slump can make us feel like we’ll never accomplish anything worthwhile. But this is far from true! Everyone has the capacity for greatness. We just need to learn how to psych ourselves up again.

Just For Fun: Quiz: What’s Your Motivation Style?

We all have a driving force — something that pushes us to keep going when things get rough. If you are aware of what keeps you motivated, you can learn to channel that motivation toward any goal. This brief quiz can give you some insight into what keeps you motivated in life.

Here’s to keeping resolutions!

Don E. McClure, Jr., PLLC

Attorney at Law

(713) 571-7777 phone

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