Why cancelling an auto policy is bad news, tips for great virtual meetings, and storybooks from space

Why you should not cancel auto coverage all together even if you’re not driving

With the COVID-19 pandemic ravaging the economy, it is smart to look at where you can cut costs to save money. Many car insurance companies are automatically giving their customers money back in refunds since so few people are driving (check out this list to see if your insurance company is one of them) and it can be tempting to cancel coverage altogether, but that is not a good idea at all. The money you save is nothing compared to the downsides to hanging on to the policy. If you cancel, you run the risk of:

– Serious consequences if you are involved in an accident, like expensive medical bills and car repair expenses

– A higher premium when you sign up later since a lapse in coverage almost always automatically triggers a 7-15% increase in cost

– Finding yourself out of luck if your vehicle is damaged by a storm or another vehicle while it is parked

– Violating state mandates of always having minimum coverage

Instead of cancelling, find out if your insurance company would be willing to take partial payments or consider reducing coverage temporarily.

5 ways to run better virtual meetings (and improve group culture at the same time!)

The new normal now involves Zoom meetings for work, collaboration with colleagues via video chat, and even birthday celebrations online. If you have to run a virtual meeting, use tips like the ones outlined in this article to make sure people are engaged, things get done, and the time spent in front of the camera is as productive as it can be. Suggestions like beginning each meeting with a “culture moment” like expressing gratitude or telling a quick story, making sure to begin the meeting on time, and ending each meeting with clear goals on who is going to accomplish what by when are all sure to make you a virtual meeting victor!

Listening to an astronaut read a story from space is like having NASA tuck you in and wish you sweet dreams

One of the coolest things that NASA has done for kids lately (besides break record after record for space exploration!) is launching their Story Time from Space series. This non-profit program focuses on STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) subjects, has a curriculum perfect for educators, and the best part: there are so many awesome videos featuring real astronauts reading from the depths of the universe. Check them out as your own family’s bedtime story or watch them after grabbing your own copy of the books they use to follow along and turn pages from miles away.

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