The Friday Five 9.13.19

Therapy is healthy for everyone, even those who don’t feel depressed

September is National Suicide Prevention month and like many people, we want our clients, friends, and family to know that it is OK to ask for help if you are feeling depressed. Removing the stigma of going to therapy is one of the first steps to helping others get help, which is why we really appreciated this article on eight reasons to go to therapy. Even people who are not feeling suicidal find so many benefits to talking to someone in an unbiased, safe place. The article highlights reasons like wanting to thrive in your career, wanting to love and accept yourself, wanting to be a fantastic parent, and even wanting to reach a fitness goal. Using therapy as a tool to better yourself – even when you already feel you are doing pretty well – can only make you stronger.

6 back to school must-haves, according to a college student

As everyone gets back into the swing of school, we discover items that weren’t on our school supply list that we still need. This great list put together by a real college student highlight six items that save the day while tackling late nights and long classes. The picks include a portable charger to save your phone from dying when you’re away from an outlet, a wireless speaker that you can take in the shower and all over campus, a sunrise alarm clock to gentle wake you like the sun would, and more. We might just have to send some of these to Natalie!

Other insurance coverage outside of auto policies may be available after an accident

Usually after an accident, the police report will show which insurance company each driver has since the police officer will ask for proof of insurance. But what if the injuries are so severe that they exceed the limits? In our office, we work to find any additional coverages that may cover the expenses that the accident caused, including umbrella policies, policies belonging to others in the household, policies for the parent or guardian of the person at fault or for the client, or employer policies in the event you are struck by someone who was on the clock at the time of the wreck. These can often provide a substantial amount of coverage that you might not be aware of, especially if you are preoccupied with your injuries.

How to save money on prescriptions, even if you have insurance

A lot of people assume that since they have prescription drug coverage, their co-pay is their co-pay, no matter what. But whether or not you have insurance, you can still save money on the medications you need by using these helpful tips from Harvard Medical School. Opting for a longer supply of 90 days instead of 30, trying generics, and going to a big-box store like Costco can save you a lot of money each month. Forbes also has a helpful list on how to save on scripts that encourages patients to check out and to also ask if the cash price happens to be lower than the insured price, which can happen.

Do have a gold star on your license? You need one before you fly starting in 2020

A gold star now means more than “you did a great job” – you’ll need one on your Texas driver’s license starting in 2020 in order to get through security at the airport. Starting on October 1, 2020, all passengers must show a REAL ID driver’s license (featuring a gold star) in order to be cleared by TSA. Texas has been issuing REAL ID licenses since October 2016, but make sure to have one if you want to take to the skies. If you do not have a REAL ID after October 1, 2020, it is still OK to show your U.S. Passport to get through security on domestic flights. Safe travels!

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