The Friday Five 6.14.19

Share your summer travels without letting strangers know your every step

Summer travel is exciting, but sometimes it is not always safe to put out on the internet exactly where you’ll be and when, especially if you will be leaving your home completely unattended with no family or friends checking the house. You still want to share the fun experience with those back home and never forget all of the fun, quirky stops you make during the trip, which is why we love the app Polar Steps. This free app automatically tracks your route and the places you’ve visited just by carrying your phone in your pocket. It helps you create a beautiful travel journal, all the places are plotted on a colorful world map, and you can even order a printed photo album at the end of your trip. But the best part is that you can privately invite family and friends to follow you on Polar Steps – letting them know you are safe, but also allowing them to engage in your trip without the rest of the world knowing, too! Plus, Polar Steps is available for Androids and for download in iPhone’s App Store.

If your injuries were not that bad and you made a full recovery, you may not need an attorney at all

We always encourage everyone to run their situation by a lawyer – which I am always happy to do for free – but be leery of attorneys who will try and get you to sign up with them when you may be able to handle the claim on your own. For example, if your injuries resulted in less than $2,000 of medical bills, and you are already back to feeling 100%, not only can these cases typically be settled with the insurance company directly, but we wouldn’t feel comfortable taking a fee on such a small case, leaving the client with virtually nothing in their pocket.

Easy, fun, healthy frozen treats to serve instead of ice cream and popsicles

Ice cream and popsicles are great for cooling down, but they are definitely not the only option. We love this article by Food Network that provided a great list of frozen treat alternatives that are just as cool and delicious, but that contain way less sugar and artificial flavors. There are also a few that transform fruit you probably keep in the house already!

Insurance company trick of the week: attempting to claim that the injuries can’t be from the accident at all.

The adjuster may try to blame the injuries on your age, physical exertion from your job, sports you play or have played in the past, surgeries you have had during your lifetime, roughhousing with your kids, extra-curricular activities you may enjoy like skiing or rock climbing, or any number of reasons.

Daily habits of likable people are perfect lessons to encourage your kids to learn – can your kids spot these people in their own lives?

Have you ever had a conversation with a person who was genuinely likable and interesting? We have a lot of these people in our family and among our friends and we are so lucky to have them in our lives. So when we came across the article about the Daily 28 Habits of the Most Likeable People, not only did it remind us a lot of them, but we also thought that it would be great to share it with our own kids. So many of our family and friends already do a lot of the 28 habits, like asking “How are you?”, laughing at themselves, always smiling, not giving unsolicited advice, and not being afraid to give genuine praise to others. You can even take the lesson a step further and ask your kids to pair with the habit the name of someone in their life who does the same.

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