The Friday Five 3.8.19

Quote I am pondering

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”  –  Theodore Roosevelt

The point is to just get started. Don’t worry about the technical aspects, you can figure it out as you go. You can also check out these great quotes that bring extra inspiration as spring approaches

Social Media and Accident Claims Do Not Mix

Sharing what is going on in your life on social media sites like Instagram and Facebook has become second nature to most. It is as common as picking up the phone to tell a loved one about your day.

The insurance companies not only know this, but they also expect it and are just waiting for an injured person to make the mistake of talking about their accident online. If you were recently involved in an accident, chances are the at-fault party’s insurance company will start monitoring your social media accounts. They will be looking for and analyzing all of your posts. Why do insurance adjusters do this? Why do they care? For one reason: They are looking for anything and everything to discredit you, claim you are not as hurt as you are, show that you are not a victim at all, and therefore PAY YOU AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE.

Basic self-defense techniques everyone should know

Whether you are walking through a parking lot at night or going for a morning jog, it’s imperative to be diligent about your surroundings. While this list of top basic self-defense techniques is geared toward women, it is helpful for anyone finding themselves alone and unprotected. Using these common-sense tips and advice can save you from serious harm, so be sure to share this email with your loved ones.

Register your overseas trip with the Secretary of State to keep safe in an emergency

The Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) through the U.S. Department of State is a free service for U.S. citizens and nationals who are traveling or living abroad that can help the U.S. Embassy better help a traveler in an emergency. By registering your trip and information, you can opt to share it with family, your medical providers, or anyone you choose, identify which family members are traveling with you in your group, and the information also helps the consulate find you and help you if disaster strikes. STEP will also issue to you Travel Alerts and Travel Warnings for your destination(s) and if there are any security issues while you are abroad, the Embassy will actively try to contact you. If you lose your passport, having your trip registered with STEP could provide additional assistance.

Honey teaches your computer to automatically find and apply coupon codes

Simply downloading the free internet browser extension Honey can save you hundreds of dollars with just one click. It runs in the background of your web shopping and when you check out, Honey will pop up and search the entire web for coupon codes that may apply to your purchase – automatically! Check it out to save!

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