The Friday Five 3.22.19

Car wax can help your house sparkle in unexpected ways

Who knew that regular old car wax had so many different uses? We recently learned with this helpful list of 11 clever uses for car wax that a thin layer keep mirrors fog free, stainless steel appliances from collecting finger tips, and it can even help stovetops stay clean and shiny – even burnt-on food will wipe right off. Crazy!

After a semi-truck accident, you’ll need more than just the driver’s info

To determine who is responsible for paying the claim after a serious truck accident, you must first figure out which insurance coverages are available. Since there are many different parties involved in a truck’s transportation, you must determine the following at the time the accident occurred:

– The name of the driver

– The company the driver worked for

– The owner of the truck

– The owner of the trailer

– The owner of product that the truck was transporting

– Any other holding companies, leasing agents, rental parties involved

Of course, all of the insurance companies will initially deny liability and try to point the finger at someone else and claim that it is a different insurance company that should be responsible for footing the bill. But even if a company does not accept liability right away, it does not mean they are not supposed to pay.

Help your kid prepare for “adulting” with these 33 life lessons everyone should know

Sometimes it can feel like parenthood is hard enough with just keeping the kids fed, growing and learning. In the blink of an eye, they will be adults and out of the house, and we’ll continue to worry that they have enough lessons under their belts to care for themselves. Ease a few fears with this great list of 33 life lessons that all kids and teenagers should master before adulthood, to make it in the real world. With helpful tips like understanding what happens if a car is towed to knowing what items not to put in a microwave, hopefully this list sparks some helpful conversations in your household.

Pound the pavement this spring and summer with Houston 5k and Marathon races

Looking for ways to get some exercise and support a good cause? Houston Running Calendar is a fantastic resource for all of the various races going on in and around our area of all distances, including 5k, half marathon, and full marathons. The website includes links to all the different registration pages and the organizations they support, as well as dates and entry fees. Not a runner but always wish you were? Set a challenge for yourself with apps like Couch to 5k and you’ll be running races before you know it!

30 of the best ways to save at least $100 on groceries

No matter how many trips we make to the grocery store, it always seems like we have to go again. Take the sting off of the cost by checking out this list of 30 things to do at the grocery store that can save over $100. There are coupon suggestions, tips on how to calculate whether an item is a “true” bargain, as well as apps you can download that reward you for sharing info about your buying behavior. It’s definitely worth checking out!

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