The Friday Five 1.25.19

iPhone hack that will save your eyes and fingers

We recently came across a brilliant iPhone hack (thanks to Attorney Conor Malloy’s recent Maximum Lawyer Podcast episode!) that will definitely be a game-changer. Did you know that holding down the spacebar on your iPhone keypad will allow you to move the cursor? Who knew! Check out these other secret iPhone hacks for tips like creating custom vibrations for specific contacts and setting your music on a timer. We didn’t forget about the Android users out there – here’s a hack list for you, too!

Staying off of social media after an accident can save your accident case

It can be tempting to want to post all of life’s events and your feelings about them on social media, in real time, but it’s important to think twice before talking about any recent accidents, lawsuits, or insurance claims. Insurance adjusters will try to use your words, photos, and posts against you by regularly checking your social media accounts, especially if they have reason to believe that you are not as hurt as you are claiming to be. For example, let’s say you are t-boned at an intersection, go to the ER, and start physical therapy shortly thereafter for your back pain. Then two weeks later you post a video of you bungy-jumping in the Bahamas. When it comes time to settle, the adjuster will claim that your back pain was from the jump and not from the accident. The best rules of thumb are to be honest about your condition, make your accounts private, don’t post about the accident, and don’t accept friend or follow requests from people you don’t know.

Quote I am pondering

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ― Oscar Wilde

We think a lot about this quote when trying to teach the community about what we do as a firm. We don’t want to be like every other lawyer in Houston and talk about what we offer – we want to talk about our clients, the wonderful things they are doing, how to solve their problems and eliminate their worries, and what we can do to support them and their families. We just want to be ourselves – everyone else is already taken!

Get money back if the price drops on something you already purchased

Many stores will give you up to 14 days after purchase to get the difference back if you notice that an item you purchased dropped in price – simply bring in your receipt and they’ll issue a partial refund. But we found an app that does that for online shopping, too. While you do have to give it access to your email so that it can scan your receipts, the app Paribus automatically tracks your confirmation emails and watches for price changes, then helps you get the money back. They claim to have helped users discover over $29 million in potential savings so far and since it’s owned by Capital One and backed by over 30 major retailers, experts have deemed it safe to use. It’s free to use and you don’t have need a Capital One account to get it, so there’s nothing to lose!

Tips for when your kids are sick

With Bethany being so sick last week, we thought our viewers might enjoy this list of tricks to help soothe your kids when they are under the weather. Tips like using marshmallows to ease sore throats and using vapor rub on feet are just a few of the home remedies that might help your little one feel better!

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