The Friday Five 12.19.2019

Why is it important to give an Impact Statement when trying to settle my case?

Insurance adjusters and the companies they work for have a tendency to treat car accident victims less like human beings and more like case numbers. They will look at your claim and only see medical records and bills, not the person who is suffering. That is why it is our job to tell our clients’ stories to the insurance companies so that the adjusters can fully comprehend the impact that the accident had on the client’s life. A simple medical record is not going to describe how a client’s inability to work is causing feelings of depression and an inability to sleep, making the household tense and stressful. The more they understand what you are going through, the more likely they are to award the pain and suffering compensation that you are entitled to.

100 fun things to do in Houston before your kids grow up

What a cool list of amazing things to do with your kiddos! Mommy Poppins, a local website that highlights all things Houston, published this great list of 100 fun things to do in Houston before your kids grow up that is not only extremely helpful since it includes links to all of the places’ websites, but it is also very informative for travelers visiting the area. We have taken our kids to many of these places over the years, but we are definitely going to through this list and see what else Bethany and Nathan would like to explore. Plus, they are all right in our backyard!

Understanding the four types of conflict and how to deal with each can bring quicker resolution

It can be very easy to get sucked into the conflict when there are loud voices and harsh words. Being patient enough to look past that and understand the exact type of conflict you are faced with can help you use certain coping mechanisms to diffuse the situation and find a resolution. This article outlines the four major types of conflict and how to address each one. For example, if you are facing the conflict of criticism and are tempted to verbally attack out of anger, the best thing to do is to talk about your feelings using “I” statements and express a positive need instead. The author uses this example: Instead of saying something like, “You’re so self-centered. Of course, you forgot my birthday,” they suggest expressing how you feel using “I” statements. For example, saying something like, “It makes me feel like you don’t value our relationship because you forgot my birthday,” allows for a more constructive conversation instead of putting both parties on the defensive.

Your dog may be older than you think! New formula for calculating a dog’s age is more accurate

It used to be that you simply multiplied your dog’s age by seven to get his “human” age, but scientists studying how dogs age and DNA modifications found that the formula is not as accurate as we’ve always thought. The new equation is to multiple your dog’s natural logarithm by 16, then add 31. That’s a little advanced, which is why we love this Dog Age Calculator that does it for you. For example, an 8-year-old dog would be 56 years under the old formula, but under the new one, Fido ages more than 8 human years and is actually 64.3 years old!

Remove price tags cleanly with a hair dryer

Try as you may, it never fails that removing a price tag from an item leaves behind a sticky residue or just simply rips away in pieces. Next time, use this brilliant hack of aiming a blow dryer set to hot at the tag for 45 seconds. Attempt to peel away the corner – if it starts to come off easily, keep going. If not, use the blow dryer for 45 seconds more. And for the glass items that still have the sticky residue that won’t budge, use a little olive oil to rub it away with the help of your fingernail or a razor blade.

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