It is a tragic truth that time and time again, an innocent person is wrongfully accused of a crime and is sentenced to an unfair fate.

Our great justice system is not free of error as many continue to suffer for crimes they did not commit.

Statistically, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia in 2006 calculated an approximate error rate of 0.027% in justice convictions.

Samuel Gross, a law professor at the University of Michigan, gave a 4.1% error rate in justice convictions in a much recently conducted study.

Have you been charged with a Crime Unjustly?

As soon as you discover you are being charged with a crime you did not commit, you need to essentially take these actions that will guide you to the justice you deserve:

Hire a lawyer
This is the first thing you should do. Don’t make the common mistake that most innocent defendants make which is to “assume that their innocence will naturally be proved.” Getting an attorney early in the investigation will help ease risks and raise your chances of being acquitted.

Exercise your right to remain silent
As much as you want to declare your innocence after being falsely accused, you should remain silent and decline to give any statements or answers to police questions until you have spoken to your attorney. This avoids any inconsistencies in your story that could be used against you.

Decline any tests or searches unless presented with a warrant
Do not consent to a voluntary DNA test or home search. Although you are innocent, you do not know what the police can find. Request a court-ordered warrant and share the information with your attorney.

Gather evidence in your favor; don’t destroy evidence that isn’t in your favor. 
Gather all evidence and witnesses and present them to your lawyer, not to the officer arresting you. Do not try to destroy or hide evidence rather discuss it with your attorney for the best course of action.

Do not contact your accuser.
As tempting as it is to try and work things out with your accuser outside the court, chances are that their prosecutor will use your attempts against you. Let your lawyer be your go-between.

Your experience will be wearisome despite your innocence. Get in touch with a good attorney to handle your ordeal professionally and in your best interest.

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