Are you comfortable with silence? No TV running in the background, no meaningless chatter, and no racing thoughts waiting to break the silence. Could you bring yourself to sit without distractions and just be for a little while?

Quiet is a dwindling resource in today’s busy world. This week, take a break from all the noise and recognize how a little silence can improve your life.

What can we learn from silence

Teaching Our Children The Value Of Quiet Time

It’s easy to forget, but children need quiet time, too. Between school, clubs, sports, and homework, children and parents alike can benefit from moments of genuine peace. And no, this doesn’t mean an hour of TV or video games before bed. Here are some strategies parents can use to help their kids benefit from quiet time.

The Magic Of Being Quiet

We are addicted to sound. Every day, we fall under the spell of external sounds and influences. We also have an impulse to express our own internal thoughts, sometimes in person and sometimes through social media. But is it necessary for us to be so noisy all the time? Maybe it’s time to take a step back to learn the difference between having something to say and having to say something. When we embrace quiet, we can learn how to replace all the noise with valuable sound.

Being Quiet Allows Us To Listen Better

Did you know around 60% of daily communication is spent listening? Unfortunately, it seems like most of that time is a total waste, as we retain only 25% of what we hear. Sound and communication expert Julian Treasure claims this vast discrepancy is because we are losing our ability to listen. He offers 5 easy exercises to help us improve our listening ability by appreciating sound and quiet.

Take A Break: Quiet Your Mind With Music From The Piano Guys

It’s important to remember that quiet is less of a circumstance and more of a mindset. To help you reach that relaxing mindset, enjoy this playlist featuring the kings of relaxing melodies, The Piano Guys.

Don E. McClure, Jr., PLLC


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