Mastering Health And Fitness, Part 1

January is the most popular time for gym memberships and exercise equipment infomercials. This is because most New Year’s resolutions revolve around health and fitness. People want to feel healthy, eat better, and stop falling asleep on a pizza box after binging eight straight hours of Netflix.

Though we start out with the best of intentions, a majority of new gym memberships collect dust by March. This doesn’t have to be your fate! With the right support and a little commitment, you can lead a healthier life. Let’s start by talking about exercise.

Health Habits in Houston

How To Ease Back Into Working Out

If it’s been a while since your last workout — no, digging your car out from all the winter snow doesn’t count — then jumping back into a regular exercise routine can be intimidating. The first step is to stop blaming yourself for not working out before now. We all fall into bad habits, and the important thing is what you do going forward. Next, check out these steps for getting back into the workout habit, without risking total burnout by March.

5 Myths About Exercise Debunked

When we jump back into exercise, the voice of our high school gym teacher starts to echo in our minds: “Sweat a lot, push past the pain, and don’t forget to stretch!” As it turns out, this isn’t the best advice. There are a lot of misconceptions surrounding a good workout, and when it comes to physical fitness, what we don’t know can hurt us. Before you reach for the weight, do yourself a favor and banish these common exercise myths.

38 Best Health And Fitness Apps

In order to get in a good workout, we need to put down our phone. But this doesn’t mean your favorite piece of technology can’t help you achieve your fitness goals. If you need help staying motivated on a run, sticking with yoga, or even getting more sleep at night, there’s an app that can help.

Just For Fun: 14 Motivational Fitness Quotes To Inspire You

Sticking with a workout routine is as much a test of your mental will as it is your physical ability. Sometimes, we just need a great quote to help boost our willpower. Print off your favorite and tape it to your work computer or gym bag for the next time you consider skipping a workout.

Here’s to your healthiest year yet!

Don E. McClure, Jr., PLLC


8866 Gulf Freeway, Suite 440

Houston, Texas 77017

(713) 571-7777 phone (713) 223-0501 fax

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